I hear my childrens’ silent prayers. I feel their love, their tears, and their fears, and know they miss me and wish we could see each other and spend time together again. I wish there was more I could do to help them…to help them be true to themselves, to show them how to have the love and joy of spending time with ALL of their family, both halves, not just one half versus the other. It is easily possible, if they want it to be, but I’m sure they are not getting that encouragement or guidance from anyone allowed in their lives. It’s so sad how carefully crafted and controlled their lives are.
I know my children are hurting -- growing teens without the guidance, love and support of their father. I am and will always be here for you -- always. Loving parents never give up, walk away, push away, guilt or refuse their children. I will always be your dad, and always be here, waiting, with open arms and an open heart. All you have to do is call or stop by. In the mean time, have a wonderful
Father’s Day, I’ll be thinking about you and sending love and hugs!
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