I saw a photo of my daughter recently. She was wearing a sweatshirt and necklace that I bought her as a gift for her birthday. I was very excited to see this, because I haven’t had a relationship with my daughter, or my son, since early 2008. I thought, “she can’t be that mad at me if she’s wearing the gifts I sent her.”
My excitement was squashed when a friend of mine asked if I thought she knew the gifts were from me. This thought hadn't occurred to me. I thought “no, my ex wouldn’t do that”, but then again, I never thought she’d make good on her promise that if anything ever happened to our marriage I would never see my children again. I stayed in a loveless marriage just to be with my kids. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel disappointed and manipulated.
So, I’ve started this blog in hopes that my children will see it and know how much I love and miss them ~ always have and always will. I will never ever give up on them, and my heart and my door will always be open and waiting, no questions asked. And speaking of questions, maybe reading this will cause them to question some of the things they have heard, or not heard, or been led to believe. They are smart kids, I'm sure they will be able to see through the fog surrounding them eventually.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to my friends and family, and especially to my son & daughter. The green and football gifts are for my son, the pink and black ones for my daughter. That's right ~ I "bothered" my daughter with Christmas gifts even though she asked me not to when she returned her graduation gifts this summer. It's not that I don't "respect my daughter's wishes," but rather, the way I see it, it's my parental obligation to bother my children with LOVE whether they want it or not. May your Christmas and New Year be filled with blessings and love!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Play Ball!
Oh wait, wrong sport, but right idea....I mean let's play football! In case you missed it on my Facebook page or Twitter, Patrick threw a perfectly placed 30-yard touchdown pass to start off a major upset over state-ranked Webster Thomas last night, at their homecoming. Webster Thomas' homecoming. Ouch! You can see it online here or by clicking on the photo. I'm so excited that now that he's playing varsity, I can see all this great stuff and enjoy watching him play. I know how much he loves the game and it's so cool to see him in his zone.
Speaking of homecomings, Spencerport (where my son plays) won their homecoming game last weekend over Gates and it was the first time they ever beat Gates. So the Rangers are on a roll....keep it going boys! You've got big fans over here on the east side...and in Florida, Nova Scotia and Naples too!
So with this big news I thought it was as good a time as any to post a little note. I've been slacking on the blog front, I know. It's just so much easier to post to Facebook or Twitter. My son turned 17 at the end of August. Sent him a small package with some dress shirts, cologne and a certificate to Dick's. I figure he's probably always needing something from there with all the sports he plays and the dress shirts and cologne would be good for all those sports banquets, school dances and ceremonies. It seems so unreal, he's still a 10 year old boy in my mind. That was the last time I really saw him and spent any time with him. He's grown into a fine young man, very smart, good grades and still loves his sports. He plays all year-round - football, wrestling and lacrosse, with some golf in the summer. Keeps him fit and healthy I'm sure.
Hope he knows how much I love and miss him. We all do. His grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. We all wish him the very best and are rooting for the Rangers to take it ALL THE WAY this year! Reach for it! Get it! Never give up!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Football already? Where did summer go?
Was also really great to see both of them in the August newsletter for their school – my son for participating in a fundraiser with his lacrosse team for cancer research and my daughter for singing with her choir at graduation. How cool to be able to perform at your own graduation!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing how much my son looks EXACTLY like me, although it is a bit like looking in a time warped mirror. No escaping the fact that my kids are Chapmans. In fact, this summer I got to see my Aunt Dawn, who I haven’t seen in many years because she lives out of town, and I was stunned at how much my daughter looks like her. To be fair, my daughter also looks a lot like her mother and grandmother on her mother’s side, but she’s also very much a Chapman. Particularly her blue eyes, the shape of her face and her body.
In addition to seeing my Aunt Dawn, I got to spend a lot of time this summer in Naples visiting family. Aunt Dawn brought all of my cousins with her so there were a ton of kids playing in the pond at Uncle Hugh & Aunt Lori’s camp, including some kids my kids have never even met, my cousins’ kids. I still remember the fish my son caught in that pond. Such a fight it broke his pole! The kids came prepared with their dirt bikes and 4-wheelers. I couldn’t believe how good they were on them, especially the little girls! They do spend a lot of time camping though and a bunch of them are home schooled, so they learn different things….useful things like how to drive and be responsible with motor vehicles. Just so ya know, I was the first to spot and call out the Swiss Cheese church, every time, on the beautiful drive down to Naples :) That ride never gets old, it’s breathtaking. I also took the 4-wheeler down to my Dad’s old cabin and grabbed a bunch of rocks out of the stream for my garden. The lawn chairs are still there sitting by the stream. Dad sold the place years ago and the guy who bought it got transferred with his job a few months after buying it. Now it only gets used a couple times a year when they vacation there. Such a shame. Wish I could have bought it just to keep it in the family. Lots of great memories with my kids there. They loved that place.
I also got to spend a lot of time with my Dad and step mom this year. They visited for 3½ weeks and stayed with me. It’s really nice being able to spend that time with him, it’s the only time we see each other during the year since they moved to Florida a few years back and sold the cabin. Dad is doing good, his health is recovering but he is getting rather forgetful and that makes me so sad. There were a lot of family parties, including several in Naples, a BBQ at my house, and my step brother’s son’s graduation from high school. My step-nephew Zack is the same age as my daughter. He will be going to MCC this coming fall. He’s not sure what he wants to study, so he’s just going to knock off his gen-ed courses and figure out what excites him. He works in the family restaurant in Webster when he’s not in school. My niece Rachel on the other hand knows exactly what she wants to do. She wants to study Forensics. She’s just now going into her junior year of high school and is looking around at colleges that offer soccer scholarships, probably here in the US. She’s a phenomenal soccer player and should be able to get some serious cash for college that way, she is being heavily recruited. My niece Sydney is going into her second year of college studying Therapeutic Recreation while living at home and working at the skating center in her town. She loves it and is also looking at opportunities to transfer into a US college, possibly near here. Would be great to have her stay with me for a year or two while she goes to school.
Speaking of schools, my 30th high school reunion was this year. Hard to believe it’s been that long, and yet it was definitely long ago. I saw a lot of people 5 years ago at my 25th reunion, but 30 years is a game changer. I couldn’t believe how many people were divorced, remarried, had kids and step kids, and more importantly were there with their new partners and getting along fine and having a great time joking around and telling stories with their former spouses and their new partners. Really made me smile that for as many people that go through bitter nightmare divorces, there are equal numbers of mature adults that behave otherwise. Those are the kinds of examples that children (even adult children) should see, so they know the world doesn’t have to be so black and white….all or nothing….exclusive control versus sharing….mine versus yours.
Once I got over the initial shock of her letter, I realized that it really didn’t make any difference at all. She is still my daughter and I love her with all my heart, always will, no matter what, unconditionally. You can’t unlove a daughter, or a son for that matter, any more than you can unlove your mom, your brother or sister, your grandparents, or your father. They are your flesh and blood, a part of you. Your family will always be your family….you can’t send them back.
My hope for my daughter, and my son, is that they never have to experience this kind of hurt and rejection from their own children someday. I hope they choose wisely when they choose the person they will marry and start a family with, and should something go wrong (heaven forbid) and their marriage falls apart, I hope the person they once loved enough to have children with will not tell outrageous stories to wrestle control and access to their children away from them and manipulate the hearts and minds of young children too vulnerable and isolated to know what is happening to them. I hope they will be close enough to their children that their kids will be able to distinguish self-imposed martyrdom from reality and be strong enough to stand up on their own two feet and love both parents. It’s so important on so many levels.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Father's Day 2014
I love and miss my kids so much. I know they love and miss me and their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins too. I hope they know all they need to do is speak up and reach out. They are practically adults now, they can do what they want. There are plenty of people around them who will help them, they just need to ask. I will always be here, waiting with open arms, an open door and an open heart.
I will talk with my own Dad a little later today. He will be coming to visit soon and staying with me for almost a month. I can't wait, it's the only time each year we get to spend time together and as I've gotten older I've really come to treasure these times. We will probably go golfing, play cards, have lots of dinner table conversation, and a big family BBQ at my house with my sister and her family and our aunts, uncles and cousins from Naples.
I will also spend part of my day thinking about all the good times I had with my kids in their first 10 & 11 years when we were all together, maybe look at some old photos and listen to Jimmy Buffet, lol. And I will celebrate the delightful young lady and young man they have become, I am so proud of them. They didn't get that way by not having a daddy their first 10 & 11 years. My daughter is getting ready to graduate high school and start college and my son is wrapping up his sophomore year of high school. They both had lots of end of school year parties, concerts, banquets and travels - I am sure they are making wonderful memories with their friends and the other half of their family. I'm also sure they know the other half of their family loves and misses them and can't wait to see them again some day.
Lastly, I want to wish a very happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there - the ones who will see or talk to their kids and grandkids today, as well as the ones who won't. My heart goes out to you, as well as to my children.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Happy 18th Birthday Baby Girl!
Of course, since I'm obviously not that great at keeping up the long writing here on the blog (my last writing was Christmas, what a slacker), it's much easier for me to share these great memories in photos. So they will all be on the Facebook page and I invite you all to stop in there and check them out (see link on the right). I will post often throughout the coming week.
Enjoy the photo trip down memory lane and have a most wonderful birthday Cecilia. I love you very much, as does the whole rest of your family that misses you too. Hugs and kisses xox
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Merry Christmas 2013